‘Wonder Woman 1984’ (SPOILER) Review

Let’s get into it.


80’s: The movie is not just set in the 80’s but a good deal of it (especially the beginning) feel like you’re watching a traditional 80’s movie. Seeing Washington DC alive in 1984, with random shadows of Wonder Woman doing heroic things, felt like a wonderful tip of the hat to the decade’s style of films.

Many things recently have been period heavy, especially within the 80s, so I was worried it might be a tired movie from the beginning; gladly, it wasn’t the case. The time period served as a fine backdrop and even allowed for an aestethic that almost felt like a recreation of Linda Carter’s era as the titular character.

The movie is a 180 from the first and that is fine! It sought to create its own style and feel and it pulled it off really nicely.

Kristen Wiig: I am always nervous when comedians make the switch over to drama. Wiig proves yet again she’s a powerhouse of talent. She opens the film as the nervous and ditzy version of Barbara who is someone not too far off from characters Kristen Wiig has played at some point in the past.

Yet, once she begins her transformation not only into a villain but a strong, serious, and sexy one she pulls it off without a doubt. Wiig is the Cheetah of the DCEU and I’m here for it.

I am relieved that she survived the events of the third act, and may still have her powers as well! I’m looking forward to seeing her return somewhere down the road.

Invisible Jet: I mean… We have to give it points. The movie gave us a cameo of Wonder Woman’s invisible jet… Like… amen.

Message: My favorite thing about the movie would have to be its overall message. Diana gives us another powerful speech during the climax of the film; We have all suffered, we have all lost, we have all had to endure our lives to some extent without the things we most want…This does not make us better or worse than anyone else.

I think it was also a powerful juxtaposition between Max and Barbara; Barbara feels like she has no value or importance but when she first meets Diana she breaks down an impressive resume. The woman is obviously brilliant, kind, warm, and good. Yet, none of those things she naturally is are enough for her; the ego wishes for more.

On the other hand we have Max who we believe is a hotshot. We think he has everything and wants for nothing. He has the suit, the smile, and the amazing office! Oh wait…My jaw dropped at the reveal that he was nothing more and nothing less than an equally broken human like Barbara.

I don’t want to get preachy with the review, but the film has so much that is applicable to today and I hope people see it!

Pedro Pascal: I loved his performance. I was fully awaiting to be annoyed by this character and I was wonderfully surprised. My deepest gratitude to Jenkins and the creators behind this film for making a character who is latino and not a latino character. Throught the short minutes we saw of his past we got to see the nuances of growing up first-generation american striving for the american dream. Loved it.

Goodbye: Linking off the message of the movie, I was indifferent to the Diana and Steve material this time around. I’m sorry! Loved it the first time, but for this one…eh.

I will say their goodbye was perfect. The fact that she breaks off the kiss and just walks away from him without looking back. We can hear Steve say goodbye to her as his voice fades in the chaos. She renounces her wish and her body begins to heal while her heart breaks again…That’s a story.

Absolutely fantastic.


A Wee Slow: I will admit for a 2.5 hour movie there were parts that felt a tad slow; particularly in the first hour. Having waited an extra six months for this thing to release (or anything comic book related for that matter) it wasn’t something that bugged me all that much. For the average movie viewer though… eh.

CGI Choppy: I love me some special effects but there was some choppy stuff in this thing. The car chase scene in particular had me getting knocked out of the movie. Diana’s unrealistic run, the obvious dummy dolls of the children, some of the lasso stunts in multiple scenes, and just some of the action coreography in general felt lacking.

There are certainly two types of Wonder Woman, the warrior and the peacemaker, and this movie leaned on the peacemaker aspect. I prefer sword and shield Wonder Woman but that’s just me! I love the diverse ways she was able to use the lasso in this movie, especially as her main weapon, but at times I felt it was pushing it.

Exposition Bumps: Some of the exposition felt a bit forced or turbulent? The satelite conclusion had me going, “uhhh sure? Why not…?”

They rammed in Astaria’s history in the middle of that television closet scene which felt a bit disruptive, and even the whole trip to Egypt felt slightly off the map- no pun intended.

Regardless, these minor blemishes were not enough to put any real problems on the movie.

Guys, Wonder Woman 1984 is great and especially appropriate for our times. Jenkins and Gadot once again deliver a powerful message through an entertaining and emotional film with one of DC’s most iconic characters.

I give Wonder Woman 1984 a 7 out of 10 potatoes.


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